
1. "Electro-Optical Switching in a Nonlinear Metasurface", M. Feinstein, A. Andronikides, E. Almeida

arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.16112 (2024)

2. "Hybridization of graphene-gold plasmons for active control of mid-infrared radiation," M. D. Feinstein, E. Almeida

Scientific Reports 14, 6733 (2024)

3. "Strong Coupling at Room Temperature Achieved by Nanoscale Inverse Design," Y. Blechman, S. Tsesses, M. Feinstein, G. Bartal, E. Almeida

ACS Photonics 10, 2494 (2023)

4. "Multilayer optical element for controlling light," T. Ellenbogen, Y. Prior, O. Avayu, E. Almeida

United States Patent 11,841,520 (2023)

5. "Inverse design of broadband, strongly-coupled plexcitonic nonlinear metasurfaces," Y. Blechman, S. Tsesses, G. Bartal, E. Almeida

New Journal of Physics (2022)

6. “Nanoscale broadband deep-ultraviolet light source from plasmonic nanoholes", L. Shi, J. R. C. Andrade, J. Yi, M. Marinskas, C. Reinhardt, E. Almeida, U. Morgner, M. Kovacev

ACS Photonics 6, 858 (2019)

7. “Optimizing the nonlinear optical response of plasmonic metasurfaces”, Y. Blechman, E. Almeida, B. Sain, Y. Prior

Nano Letters 19, 261-268 (2019)

8. “Composite functional metasurfaces for multispectral achromatic optics”, O. Avayu*, E. Almeida*, Y. Prior, T. Ellenbogen

Nature Communications 8, 14992 (2017)

9. “Nonlinear metamaterials for holography”, E. Almeida, O. Bitton, Y. Prior

Nature Communications 7, 12533 (2016)

10. “Subwavelength nonlinear phase control and anomalous phase matching in plasmonic metasurfaces”, E. Almeida, G. Shalem, Y. Prior

Nature Communications 7, 10367 (2016)

11. “Rational design of metallic nanocavities for resonantly enhanced four-wave mixing”, E. Almeida, Y. Prior

Scientific Reports 5, 10033 (2015)

12.  “Ultraviolet dynamical optical limiting in a glass containing NaNbO 3 nanocrystals”, E. Almeida, K. C. Jorge, L. de S. Menezes, C. B. de Araújo, A. A. Lipovskii

Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 1284 (2013)

13. “Ultrafast dephasing of localized surface plasmons in colloidal silver nanoparticles: the influence of stabilizing agents”, E. Almeida, A. C. L. Moreira, A. M. Brito-Silva, A. Galembeck, C. P. De Melo, L. de S. Menezes, C. B. De Araújo

Applied Physics B 108, 9 (2012)

14. Luminescence properties and optical dephasing in a glass-ceramic containing sodium-niobate nanocrystals, E. Almeida, L. de S. Menezes, Cid B. de Araújo, A. A. Lipovskii

Journal of Applied Physics 109, 113108 (2011)